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Pacific Partners with UQ Researchers

26 March 2024

A team of Pacific Lutheran College teachers have embarked on an exciting year-long partnership with researchers from the University of Queensland’s Learning Lab to investigate Middle College students’ learning at Pacific Lutheran College.

UQ’s Learning Lab involves researchers from across the scientific disciplines of education, psychology, and neuroscience. The collective aim of the Learning Lab is to convert research into practice in Pacific classrooms. The Learning Lab uses the lens of the Science of Learning research to connect cognitive neuroscience and teaching practice to improve student learning outcomes.

The team of experienced Pacific Middle College teachers, led by Mrs Jo Belchamber, Pacific Lutheran College Head of Learning Middle College, will take on the role of teachers as researchers to investigate the power of self-regulated learning, in particular metacognition, across Years 6-9 classrooms.

“The research is focused on the metacognitive strategies employed by students as they face academic challenges, investigating the extent to which challenge activates and supports positive metacognitive strategies, like goal setting.” shares Mrs Jo Belchamber.

This project is based on the Science of Learning research that explores changes in the brain during pre-adolescence and adolescence that provide opportunity to establish neural pathways that enhance student responses to academic challenges.

“Through the Science of Learning research approach, we aim to assist our Middle College students to develop intellectual dispositions found within the Pacific Lutheran College’s Four Pillars of Learning - Learning to Be, Learning Together, Learning to Learn and Learning to Know and Do, which support our students to grow capabilities important for all dimensions of life.” Mrs Belchamber.