The fostering of a culture of thinking, which includes risk taking, creativity, imagination and deep understandings, is at the core of our academic program.
People the Focus, Learning the Purpose, Chirst the Way.
As a community, we welcome you to Pacific Lutheran College. Education, like other areas of endeavour, is at an exciting point in its history. New conceptions of schooling are seeing educators shift from a one size fits all approach, to one where flexibility in the use of physical and virtual space provides greater opportunity and expectation for all students to take increasing responsibility for their learning.
With this increasing flexibility in mind, Pacific has been intentional in designing a rich educational program that supports the development of the whole child into a well-grounded, confident adult. The phrases People the Focus, Learning the Purpose and Christ the Way stand as firm statements of what is in the heart of our community.
In all areas of our lives it is the nature of our relationships that shape our quality of life, sense of wellbeing and what we are able to achieve vocationally. With People the Focus, there has been a deliberate fostering of strong relationships between staff, students and parents through both formal and informal means. An excellent integrated program of personal development, pastoral care and outdoor education provide unique opportunities for the growth of wellbeing critical for today's young people. Qualities emanating from the positive schools research have complimented and enhanced our culture that grows from the strong tradition of a Lutheran education.
Learning the Purpose, captures the idea that in all areas of life we are on a journey of learning. The fostering of a culture of thinking, which includes risk taking, creativity, imagination and deep understandings, is at the core of our academic program. The Teaching For Understanding and Visible Thinking Frameworks from Harvard University inform our educational practice. The strong focus is on ensuring that each child has the opportunity to be well equipped academically to thrive in a rapidly changing world. We believe it is important that people develop a habit and love of learning, which supports growth and development across all dimensions of life. Active engagement in a broad range of sport, cultural and service activities enriches and enhances young people's development.
Christ the Way, stands as a constant reminder of the centrality of our relationship to God. The nature of this relationship encourages the living of the values of courage, compassion, acceptance, honesty and forgiveness, striving for quality, hope, love, humility and service. More importantly, it reminds us that through the circumstances of life a gracious and loving God walks with us.
It has been my privilege to serve as the Principal of this College since its inception and witness staff, students and parents continually learning and growing together. We would enjoy the opportunity to welcome you into our vibrant community where together, we become much more than the sum of our individual parts for the benefit of others. God bless you in your journey.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling
The Council ensures that the College operates in accordance with the confessions and practice of the Lutheran Church of Australia
Lutheran Education
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People the Focus, Learning the Purpose, Christ the Way.
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