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The Senior Years

Continuing the strong academic focus, the Senior years are seen as preparation for life beyond school. The majority of students will be tertiary bound and encounter Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) subjects as they work towards an ATAR. The commencement of Senior studies in Year 10 enables students to experience a smooth transition from Middle College to the increasing rigour and demands of study in Year 11 and 12. For a small number of students, partnerships with various training groups and employers will provide access to accreditation in other vocational areas through traineeships and apprenticeships. At the senior level, the emphasis will be on the provision of flexible ways to develop a competitive edge. This may include articulation and partnerships with industry, universities or other training groups, including university programs such as Head Start. Throughout Years 10, 11 and 12 advice from the College's Careers Counsellor and VET Coordinator will assist students to be well prepared for the next phase of their life's journey.

As young adults within the College, Senior students will be encouraged to play a leading role both at school and in the wider community. Increasingly, Senior students take on the roles of leadership including the support of younger students and their peers through the pastoral care program of the College. Participation and leadership in the co-curricular activities of the College are strongly encouraged.

"Pacific has provided me with unique opportunities to engage in my love of learning. Surrounded by supportive staff and friends allows me to achieve my academic goals and grow as a confident leader."


Year 12 Student

Subject Offerings

Year 10 Course Selection
Year 11 and 12 Course Selection
Vocational Education and Training

Year 10 Course Selection

To ensure a balanced curriculum in Year 10, students undertake a mixture of core subjects and elective subjects. To assist students to make informed decisions when selecting their elective subjects, Pacific Lutheran College has produced a Course Selection Handbook. 

The elective subjects allow students to explore and develop more specialised skills in additional areas. In selecting these subjects students should consider the following:

  • Will my choice of subjects help me reach my post Year 10 and post Year 12 goals?
  • Do my results so far suggest that I will succeed in the subjects chosen?
  • Do I need a balance of theory and practical subjects?
  • Will the subjects contribute to the development of skills, knowledge and attitudes useful for my future goals?

Year 10 Subject Selection Handbook

Year 11 and 12 Course Selection

The following information has been produced to assist students in Year 10 to make informed decisions when selecting subjects for Years 11 and 12 at Pacific Lutheran College.

It is important to choose senior subjects carefully as your decisions will affect the options available for future career paths. 

There are many factors to consider when choosing your course of study. Choices should be made based on aptitude, interest and future pathways. Make sure you consider subjects:

  • You enjoy or are interested in;
  • That you demonstrate some ability or aptitude; and
  • That will help you reach your chosen career goals.

Year 11 and 12 Subject Selection Handbook

Vocational Education and Training

Pacific Lutheran College provides students with the opportunity to undertake certificate level courses as well as school based traineeships and apprenticeships.

As a registered training organisation (RTO), Pacific offers a certificate course in Hospitality. Pacific is responsible for student induction, ensuring trainer expertise, creating assessment items that meet national standards and recording certificates. In 2015, Pacific commenced a Certificate III in Basic Health Care as part of an extended registration with East Coast TAFE. The College delivers this course on campus, with training provided by a registered nurse.

Pacific also supports student access to further Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses through a personal and customary case-by-case arrangement. Students and parents interested in alternative pathways are advised of various opportunities through external providers as they arise and are then supported by the College to achieve their desired outcomes.

Traineeship and Certificate Courses offered, presently and in the past, in conjunction with external training organisations and employers, are: 

Certificate l 

  • Construction
  • Furnishing

Certificate ll

  • Aeroskills
  • Applied Fashion Design
  • Animal Studies
  • Automotive Services
  • Basic Health Care
  • Bicycles
  • Bricklaying
  • Community Pharmacy
  • Electrotechnology
  • Food Protection
  • Health Support Services
  • Hairdressing
  • Hospitality
  • Information, Digital Media and Technology
  • Plumbing Services
  • Retail
  • Retail make-up and skin care
  • Sport (coaching)
  • Sport and Recreation

Certificate lll

  • Arboriculture
  • Assistant Dance Teaching
  • Basic Health Care
  • Business
  • Business Adminstration
  • Cabinet making
  • Carpentry
  • Commercial Cookery
  • Community Recreation
  • Dental Assisting
  • Early Childhood Education and Care
  • Engineering Fabrication
  • Electrotechnology Electrician
  • Fitness
  • Information, Digital Media and Technology
  • Hairdressing
  • Hospitality
  • Shopfitting
  • Sport and Recreation
  • Landscaping
  • Marine
  • Meat Processing (butcher)
  • Music 
  • Multimedia
  • Outdoor Power Equipment
  • Plumbing
  • Retail
  • Tourism

Certificate lV

  • Crime and Justice
  • Music
  • Music - Technical Production


  • Business
  • Beauty Therapy

Trade training courses at Caloundra.

Vet Education and Training Student Handbook

Career Planning 

Pacific Lutheran College has a qualified Careers Counsellor to help students and parents through the important process of career planning.

Commencing in Year 9 and continuing through to the end of Year 12, our extensive careers program includes career education, information evenings, senior pathway planning and one-on-one meetings with the Careers Counsellor.

To further assist students and parents, Pacific also has a dedicated Careers website, which provides important information and dates. Click here to visit the website.